Chile and Egypt
Merzouki pursues his desire to support a dynamic of professionalization of hip-hop dance at the international level, helping to develop and structure the emerging hip-hop scene in Chile and Egypt. The choreographer is thus an associate artist of the Teatro del Lago in Frutillar, Chile, with whom a three-year partnership has been initiated in 2019, combining programming, transmission and cultural exchanges, thanks to the support of the Mustakis foundation. At the same time, several workshop sessions in Egypt have enabled young self-taught talents to discover the career of a professional dancer, in collaboration with État d’Esprit Productions, the CCN de la Rochelle, the Rezodanse centre and the Institut Français d’Égypte.
The two programs to support emerging artists in Chile and Egypt culminated in November 2019, with the dancers coming to France for the Kalypso festival. A programme of master classes, workshops and encounters with the French choreographic scene allowed them to explore all the facets of choreographic creation, in an in-depth immersion.
China, India and Colombia
Merzouki’s creation of Récital in 1998 marked the history of hip-hop, destabilizing its codes. The work is a curious blend of physical feats and poetic gentleness, mixing constrating sounds, it is an unusual dialogue between seven dancers, a musician and the imagery of a classical music concert. More than 20 years after its creation, Récital is recognized as a major work in the choreographic landscape, counting no less than 500 performances in 35 countries around the world. For several years now, the company has been working on passing on this inaugural piece to the new generations of artists.
In 2009, the piece is transmitted to the Chinese dancers of the Beijing Modern Dance Company and presented as part of the 3rd edition of the festival Croisements in Chengdu, Canton and Beijing.
In 2014, the piece enters the repertoire of the Danceworx Repertory Company in India, presented in New Delhi, Bombay and Pune as part of the "Bonjour India" festival.
In 2015, Récital was transmitted this time to twelve Colombian dancers and presented at Bienal Internacional de Danza de Cali. The piece toured in Bogota and Cartagena the same year, then again in 2017 in Bogota and Créteil as part of Merzouki’s Kalypso festival, and finally in 2018 in Costa Rica.